Mashamshire Tennis Club Health & Safety Policy General Policy Statement

Mashamshire Tennis Club is committed to ensuring the Health and Safety of its members including visitors and guests whilst on the Club’s courts on Masham Recreation Ground and expects all officers and volunteers to share this commitment. All our members have a responsibility to inform either the Health & Safety Officer, or a member of the club’s committee in the case of accidents whilst undertaking any tasks whilst on Club premises. To do this the Club’s Committee will:
* Discuss Health & Safety at every Committee meeting.
* Appoint a Health & Safety officer .
* Ensure the Club’s environment is safe and free from reasonable risk.
* Ensure safe entry and exit to our courts and tennis hut, including appropriate signage
and instructions.
* Provide appropriate First Aid facilities.
* Provide appropriate safety equipment/kit to enable officers and volunteers to carry
out their work.
* Maintain a safe court environment for all members, their visitors, officers and
* Minimise the occurrence of accidents and incidents by carrying out risk assessments
to assess and deal with all areas of our operations.


Overall and final responsibility for Health and Safety in respect of the Club is vested in the Club’s Committee. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice is delegated to the Members, Visitors and Coaches who need to take reasonable care of their own health and safety while on the Club premises.
If at any time there are any health or safety concerns or risks they should be immediately reported, to a member of the Club’s Committee (contact details are displayed on the tennis hut and club website). A First Aid box is available, stored securely in the tennis hut. The contents will be subject to regular checks.
The Club recognises its obligation to its members and visitors to manage the health and safety risks arising from its various activities and events. If the matter giving concern appears to be more serious in nature or is an emergency, then please contact the appropriate emergency service or services immediately.

Accident and Incident Reporting

All details of accidents (and incidents) should be recorded i.e. How, where, why and who and also details of any first aid given. On no account should any form of oral medication be given unless done so by the injured party themselves. Details should be entered into the “Accident Book” (stored in the tennis hut) and subsequently reported to a member of the Club’s Committee as soon as is reasonably possible.

Health and Safety on the Court

The Club also ensures that its sports facilities i.e. court surfaces and surrounds are safe and properly maintained to the correct standards.
* The Club’s grounds will be kept free from potholes and trip hazards.
* Fencing will be maintained in a secure condition.
* Fencing will meet Local Authority requirements.
* Damaged or unstable ground surfaces will be fenced off.
* Periodic assessments will be carried out regarding the safety of different playing and
pedestrian access surfaces during different weather conditions.
* Members will ensure the court is securely locked after use.
* Hazardous substances, such as cleaning materials, paints, weed killers and fertilisers
will not be stored at the club and will only be used by persons familiar with their
correct use.
* First aid box to be available (stored securely) in the tennis hut.
* A member of the club committee will lead on and be responsible for ‘maintenance’ to
identify report and address any maintenance issues. This member will report back at
each meeting and give an annual report at the AGM.

                                     Risk Assessment Policy

It is the responsibility of all Members, Visitors and Coaches using the club’s facilities to conduct their own risk assessment prior to use of the facilities. If any concerns are identified as a result of this appropriate remedial action must be taken to remove the concern, or to reduce it to an acceptable level. In the event of the latter, the matter must then be reported to a member of the club’s committee without delay. Additionally, as part of it’s annual LTA Registration Mashamshire Tennis Club will carry out a full annual risk assessment of the facility with a view to highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment. A member of the Club’s Committee will become responsible for risk assessments and reporting to this Committee on such issues. However all committee members, club members and visitors are also responsible for day to day Health and Safety and must report any issues to a member of the Club’s Committee.

Risk Assessments must include the following issues:
* Is the area and surroundings safe and free from obstacles?
* Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
* Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability?
* Are members appropriately attired for the activity?
* Can emergency vehicles access facilities?
* Do volunteers coaches and members have access to information relating to health
and safety?